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Trend Micro

Trend Micro

Trend Micro Inc. (Torendo Maikuro Kabushiki-Gaisha) is a Japanese cyber security software company. The company has globally dispersed R&D in 16 locations across every continent excluding Antarctica. The company develops enterprise security software for servers, containers, & cloud computing environments, networks, and end points. Its cloud and virtualization security products provide automated security for customers of VMware, Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform.

Trend Micro

Trend Micro™ Managed XDR offers 24/7 analysis and monitoring. Email, endpoint, server, cloud, workload, and network sources are correlated for stronger detection and greater insight into targeted attack source and spread. Maximize security effectiveness through a cross-layered detection and response service.


Managed XDR threat analysts are skilled at interpreting data from our industry-leading solutions. Detection, investigation, and threat hunting is optimized by the latest in security analytics and enriched by Trend Micro’s threat research.

Let our experienced endpoint security professionals handle your needs.

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